Secure websites with SSL
SSL certificates create an encrypted connection and establish trust.
Have you been noticing a “thios website is not secure” message or a little padlock with a red line through it coming up when you visit certain sites? In the past months, newer versions of browsers like Chrome and Firefox have instituted a change so that you’ll get a warning if the web page is not secure.
What this means is that the website that you’re visiting is sending data over the Internet in plain text, which anyone with certain hacking skills, can easily intercept. These insecure sites have a URL that begins with HTTP. Yes, that is most likely how your site and most of the websites today are sending their data. Even if your site does not ask for personalm details like a shopping cart, the warning will still come up.
According to a survey by HubSpot, 82% of respondents reported that they would leave a site if they saw a warning that it was “Not Secure”.
Now, instead of HTTP, there’s a more secure transfer being used, called HyperTextTransfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). With this secure connection, computers agree on a code to transfer between them. That code scrambles the messages so that if they’re intercepted, they can’t be read, thus insuring the safety of our website’s transactional data.
If all that is too much tech for you to take in, you are in luck. We are here to help secure your site.